Exclusively for SMP Artists

Please ensure that you've served at least 3 clients, have before and after photos, and testimonials. 

Our Google Ads service is tailored for artists with an established presence. Without these basics, Google Ads may not work for you. We aim for genuine partnerships, not just transactions. However, if you have a background in sales but haven't yet catered to 3 SMP clients, we might consider an exception. Interested? Schedule a demo to delve deeper.

Considering a system to help you build this foundation?

Double Digit Conversion Rates from a 10,000 Hour Google Ads Master!

Achieve a Conversion Rate of Up to 11%+ and Scale Your SMP Studio!

Our consistency and optimization strategy has helped many clients achieve remarkable results. While advertising carries some risk, we offer references and a free demo call. It's important to approach lead generation with realistic expectations and understand that ROI may take time. We encourage patience and persistence for long-term success.

Hit the Bullseye with Our Proven Formula:

Google Ads Expertise Backed by Half a Million Dollars in Total Ad Spend Data

Looking to make a splash with your Google Ads campaigns in the SMP industry? Look no further than our expert services. With the largest database of SMP-specific Google Ads data in the world, we can help you launch successful campaigns from day one. Don’t just take our word for it – our satisfied SMP artist's clients can vouch for the profitability of our approach. Let us help you take your Google Ads game to the next level.

Dynamic Text Replacement & Message Match

Achieve Lower Cost Per Click and Higher Quality Scores with the Right Mix of Technology & Strategy

Our Dynamic Text Replacement (DTR) technology keeps your cost per click low and your Google quality score high. It increases relevancy and improves the landing page experience by showing the exact keyword the visitor searched for on your landing page. This helps you stand out from the competition and rank above them even if they bid higher on a keyword.

Say Goodbye to Wasted Ad Spend

Click Fraud Detection Software

How We Protect Your Google Ads Budget by Battling BOTS and Competitors

If your Google Ads investment failed to see a profitable return, click fraud may have been the cause. Our advanced click fraud prevention software ensures that only real potential customers click your ads. This saves you thousands in wasted ad spend and increases the effectiveness of your Google Ads campaign.

Retarget Your Way to Success

Drive Conversions and Boost ROI with Our Remarketing Services

Remarketing targets potential customers who previously showed interest in your business. HighLead offers expertly crafted display and video ads strategically placed on partner sites, linked to your Google Ads account for increased conversions and ROI.

See How Shadow SMP Achieves Success with HighLead’s Campaigns

With an ROI of 285.36%, Dennis from Shadow SMP succeeded using HighLead’s Google Ads campaign strategy

“I had nothing and now I’m booking 1 to 2 a day”

Owner & Lead Artist

We are thrilled to share the remarkable success story of Dennis from Shadow SMP, who achieved outstanding results using HighLead’s Google Ads campaign strategy. With an ROI of 285.36%, Dennis converted 1-2 leads daily, resulting in 26 total leads with an ad spend of $2,390 and a 5 sales with a revenue of $11,600 in November 2022.

Although Dennis's success is unique, we focus on generating high-quality SMP leads at low cost. To streamline the post-lead generation process and aid in closing leads, it's imperative to acquire the HighLead System before registering for our Google Ads service.

2nd Month Results in November 2022 using our Google Ads Services

1-2 daily leads

26 leads

7 calls scheduled

2 no-shows

5 sales

$11,600 of revenue

$2,390 of ad spend

285,36% of ROI

Meet Your 10,000 Hour Google Ads Master

Chris Helms

Founder & Director, HighLead

With over 17 years of experience with Google Ads dating back to 2005, Chris is an expert in the field that you can trust. Unlike walking into a casino or wondering if your work is being outsourced to a team in Pakistan, partnering with a marketing company should be a seamless and personalized experience. That’s why it’s important to know who you’re doing business with on a 1-on-1 level. You can schedule a Zoom meeting with Chris anytime to discuss all of your questions and concerns.

Boost Your Landing Page Performance with a Free 3D SMP Animation

Sign up for HighLead's Google Ads services today and get a 3D Animation ($500 value)!

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about our Google Ads services.

Trusted Partners for Our Google Ads Services

We’ve teamed up with top industry leaders to bring you the best results for your ad campaigns.

Schedule Your Google Ads Discovery Call Today!

Ready to be booked solid with SMP clients?

Schedule a no-obligation call with our 10,000 hour Google Ads master today and get all of your questions answered. We'll take a look at your current sales and marketing efforts and help you put together a roadmap to success with Google Ads!

After I sign up, how soon until the ads are turned on?

We'll schedule a meeting to help you complete your onboarding form. Once you submit the form, please note that due to high demand, it will take 20-30 days for us to build your pages and ad account.

What's the average client acquisition costs w/ Google Ads?

To acquire clients, a good closing process is crucial, but it's difficult to standardize since some artists are better at sales than others. Instead, our focus is on providing high-quality leads in high volumes to increase your opportunities to meet potential clients. If you have a strong sales game, you'll see a steady stream of new business. Some agencies guarantee a specific cost per client, but this is unethical because they can't account for all the variables. Our approach is to provide leads, and if you close them, it's a perfect partnership. Our generated leads are high-intent potential clients who search on Google, making them easier to close.

How much budget is needed for ad spend each month?

For new accounts, we recommend a minimum monthly ad spend budget of $1,000 to collect sufficient data and optimize the campaign for profitability. While advertising is often viewed as an expense, it's actually an investment that generates income for your business.

What assets do I need to provide?

To increase conversion rates, it's recommended that you provide your logo, a variety of at least 9 before and after images showcasing your work results, brand color code, and any additional assets such as a headshot or image of your studio. These assets will help build trust on the landing page.

What if I live in a small population?

If search volume is a concern for your area, we can conduct an audit to identify keywords with sufficient search volume to target. Additionally, we use a combination of location targeting and keyword targeting to reach potential customers in your area. If you're concerned about low search volume, one strategy is to expand the perimeter around your location where your ads will appear. However, it's important to avoid showing ads to people who are not willing to travel to your business.

What if you already manage ads for my competitors?

To guarantee first page placement, we work with up to 4 clients per area. Ad copy is important, but highlighting your unique advantages can make the difference in whether a shopper chooses your business. In areas with multiple artists running ads, there's usually enough search volume to support several artists. It's unlikely that other advertisers will significantly impact your campaign's performance.


Highlead's Secret Formula for Google Ads Success


Reach potential clients who are ready to book

Easily track & optimize your results


Adjust your ad spending to any budget


Start now and get immediate results


Appear at the TOP of Google search results


Why is Google Ads better than Facebook or Instagram?

Google paid search ads are better than Facebook or Instagram ads for the SMP industry because they reach customers who are actively searching for your products or services. When people search on Google, they have a higher intent to do business because they are looking for a specific solution to their problem. This makes them more likely to convert into customers than people who are scrolling through social media. When you advertise on social media, you are interrupting peoples' experiences and they may not be as receptive to your message. Therefore, Google paid search ads allow you to reach a more targeted and interested audience, which can lead to better conversion rates and return on investment for your advertising dollars.

How is your Google Ads service better than the others?

Our agency is the top choice for artists in the SMP industry when it comes to Google Ads, thanks to our extensive database of client accounts. This data gives us a strategic advantage in launching new accounts, resulting in a higher chance of success and faster profitability for our clients. With over $500K worth of data collected, we offer our clients an unmatched advantage that no other agency can provide.

Will my leads be shared or are they exclusively mine?

We don't share leads with competitors for security, ethics, and to protect our reputation and integrity. Your data is yours alone. To prove this, we offer a "seeding the list" solution where you can implant a fake lead into your CRM contacts. If a competitor contacts that number, you'll know your contacts were compromised.

Whose Google account is the Google Ad account setup in?

When we set up a client on Google Ads, we use their own Google Ads account and simply manage it on their behalf. This means that you own the account at all times, and we do not hold it hostage. This approach is different from some other marketing companies that may act unethically and try to retain control over your account. Rest assured that with us, you have full control and ownership of your Google Ads account.

When does Google provide the free $500 ad credit?

Google occasionally provides free ad spend credits to new advertisers as an incentive to start advertising on their platform. However, the availability and eligibility for these credits can vary depending on the country, type of account, and other factors. In some cases, Google may provide a free ad spend credit as part of a promotional offer or partnership with a third-party provider. It's best to check with Google directly.

Things to consider before hiring a marketing company?

- They make unrealistic promises or guarantees.
- They pressure you into signing a contract or making a large upfront payment without fully explaining their services or providing a detailed plan.
- They refuse to answer your questions or provide transparent reporting on performance.
- They have a history of unethical or illegal practices.
- They lack experience or specialization in your industry or niche.
- They offer a one-size-fits-all approach, without tailoring their services to your specific needs and goals.
- They do not prioritize communication or fail to respond promptly to your inquiries.

Attention: NEW Scalp Micropigmentation Artists

NEW Scalp Micropigmentation Artists




3-Step Landing Page System
Keyword & Campaign Strategy

Google Ads Account Setup
ClickCease Account Setup

Monthly Google Ads Management
Monthly ClickCease Subscription
Monthly Unbounce Hosting Subscription
Monthly Zapier Subscription


per month*

* One-time set up fee of $1,497 and a minimum 3-month commitment is required

What's Included:

After I sign up, how soon until the ads are turned on?

We'll schedule a meeting to help you complete your onboarding form. Once you submit the form, please note that due to high demand, it will take 20-30 days for us to build your pages and ad account.

What's the average client acquisition costs w/ Google Ads?

To acquire clients, a good closing process is crucial, but it's difficult to standardize since some artists are better at sales than others. Instead, our focus is on providing high-quality leads in high volumes to increase your opportunities to meet potential clients. If you have a strong sales game, you'll see a steady stream of new business. Some agencies guarantee a specific cost per client, but this is unethical because they can't account for all the variables. Our approach is to provide leads, and if you close them, it's a perfect partnership. Our generated leads are high-intent potential clients who search on Google, making them easier to close.

How much budget is needed for ad spend each month?

For new accounts, we recommend a minimum monthly ad spend budget of $1,000 to collect sufficient data and optimize the campaign for profitability. While advertising is often viewed as an expense, it's actually an investment that generates income for your business.

What assets do I need to provide?

To increase conversion rates, it's recommended that you provide your logo, a variety of at least 9 before and after images showcasing your work results, brand color code, and any additional assets such as a headshot or image of your studio. These assets will help build trust on the landing page.

What if I live in a small population?

If search volume is a concern for your area, we can conduct an audit to identify keywords with sufficient search volume to target. Additionally, we use a combination of location targeting and keyword targeting to reach potential customers in your area. If you're concerned about low search volume, one strategy is to expand the perimeter around your location where your ads will appear. However, it's important to avoid showing ads to people who are not willing to travel to your business.

What if you already manage ads for my competitors?

To guarantee first page placement, we work with up to 4 clients per area. Ad copy is important, but highlighting your unique advantages can make the difference in whether a shopper chooses your business. In areas with multiple artists running ads, there's usually enough search volume to support several artists. It's unlikely that other advertisers will significantly impact your campaign's performance.

Why is Google Ads better than Facebook or Instagram?

Google paid search ads are better than Facebook or Instagram ads for the SMP industry because they reach customers who are actively searching for your products or services. When people search on Google, they have a higher intent to do business because they are looking for a specific solution to their problem. This makes them more likely to convert into customers than people who are scrolling through social media. When you advertise on social media, you are interrupting peoples' experiences and they may not be as receptive to your message. Therefore, Google paid search ads allow you to reach a more targeted and interested audience, which can lead to better conversion rates and return on investment for your advertising dollars.

How is your Google Ads service better than the others?

Our agency is the top choice for artists in the SMP industry when it comes to Google Ads, thanks to our extensive database of client accounts. This data gives us a strategic advantage in launching new accounts, resulting in a higher chance of success and faster profitability for our clients. With over $500K worth of data collected, we offer our clients an unmatched advantage that no other agency can provide.

Will my leads be shared or are they exclusively mine?

We don't share leads with competitors for security, ethics, and to protect our reputation and integrity. Your data is yours alone. To prove this, we offer a "seeding the list" solution where you can implant a fake lead into your CRM contacts. If a competitor contacts that number, you'll know your contacts were compromised.

Whose Google account is the Google Ad account setup in?

When we set up a client on Google Ads, we use their own Google Ads account and simply manage it on their behalf. This means that you own the account at all times, and we do not hold it hostage. This approach is different from some other marketing companies that may act unethically and try to retain control over your account. Rest assured that with us, you have full control and ownership of your Google Ads account.

When does Google provide the free $500 ad credit?

Google occasionally provides free ad spend credits to new advertisers as an incentive to start advertising on their platform. However, the availability and eligibility for these credits can vary depending on the country, type of account, and other factors. In some cases, Google may provide a free ad spend credit as part of a promotional offer or partnership with a third-party provider. It's best to check with Google directly.

Things to consider before hiring a marketing company:

- They make unrealistic promises or guarantees.
- They pressure you into signing a contract or making a large upfront payment without fully explaining their services or providing a detailed plan.
- They refuse to answer your questions or provide transparent reporting on performance.
- They have a history of unethical or illegal practices.
- They lack experience or specialization in your industry or niche.
- They offer a one-size-fits-all approach, without tailoring their services to your specific needs and goals.
- They do not prioritize communication or fail to respond promptly to your inquiries.

Transform your business with HighLead's streamlined monthly subscription.

All-Inclusive Google Ads Management Services

What’s Included In The Setup? 10X More Than Our Competitors Offer!

$500 Free Adspend *Google Offer

Done For You Google Ads Management

BONUS - YouTube Ads Setup

Unbounce Hosting Included

ClickCease Fraud Protection Setup

Calendar Setup + Embed

Custom Page Step 1 - Lead Capture

Custom Page Step 2 - Calendar Embed

Custom Page Step 3 - Thank You

Dynamic Text Replacement (DTR)

A/B Testing + Smart Traffic

Addition of Your Facebook Pixel

Email + Text Notifications Setup

Custom Popup - SMS/Email Integration 

Chat Widget - SMS/Email Integration

Contact Form SMS/Email Integration

Setup of FOMO Social Proof Widget

Popup Hidden Form Fields For Keyword Tracking

Create Multiple Campaigns

Maximizing Google Ad Impressions

Maximize Relevant and Minimize Irrelevant Clicks 

Lowest Possible Cost Per Click (CPC)

Highest Possible Click-Through Rate

Enhanced Conversion Tracking

Live Marketing Results Dashboard 

You Own the Ad Account 

Excludes Ad Spend (Paid to Google)




SMP Landing Page

Make a Strong First Impression: Expertly Designed SMP Landing Pages as the First Step of Your Sales Funnel

Stop sending valuable web traffic to your homepage! With our expert services, we create custom landing pages optimized for conversions. Let us help you make a strong first impression and start converting more visitors into customers today.

Check Out Some of Our SMP Landing Pages:

The SMP Sales Funnel


Thank You Pages to Track Conversions

Our Hidden Code Triggers Conversions in Your Google Ads Account

We never cut corners. Our custom Thank You pages are the final step after booking a consultation, and includes hidden code that triggers conversions in your Google Ads account, so you'll know exactly where each and every lead comes from and at what cost.

Check Out Some of Our Thank You Pages:


SMP Consultation Bookings

Check Out Some of Our SMP Booking Calendars:

Streamline Your Consultation Bookings with Our Expert SMP Booking Calendars

Increase consultation bookings for your SMP business with our proven solution. We’ll build booking calendars directly onto your page. This seamless integration ensures a streamlined process from start to finish, resulting in higher booking rates for our clients. Our calendars integrate with your website, landing page, and HighLead system, making it easier than ever for visitors to book consultations.



With over 17 years of experience with Google Ads dating back to 2005, Chris is an expert in the field that you can trust. Unlike walking into a casino or wondering if your work is being outsourced to a team in Pakistan, partnering with a marketing company should be a seamless and personalized experience. That’s why it’s important to know who you’re doing business with on a 1-on-1 level. You can schedule a Zoom meeting with Chris anytime to discuss all of your questions and concerns.

Boost Your Landing Page Performance with a Free 3D SMP Animation

Sign up for HighLead's Google Ads services today and get a 3D Animation ($500 value)!

Ready to be booked solid with SMP clients?

Schedule Your Google Ads Discovery Call Today!

Schedule a no-obligation call with our 10,000 hour Google Ads master today and get all of your questions answered. We'll take a look at your current sales and marketing efforts and help you put together a roadmap to success with Google Ads!

Chris Helms

Founder & Director, HighLead



Exclusively for SMP Artists






























Already Have A Google Ads Account?

Don't settle for average results. Seize the opportunity with a FREE audit and elevate your Google Ads strategy to new heights. Let's collaborate to ensure your ad campaigns deliver outstanding results.



See What Our Clients Say About Us!

Real success stories from successful artists. Read our testimonials to discover how we've helped artists from all over the world scale their business.

Dennis Romero
Vanguard SMP

"I have been a client of HighLead since its early days. I was actually the first SMP client they took on. My experience with their work has been sound and dependable. Their marketing efforts have consistently delivered measurable results that have remained consistent."

Rodger Ponce

"Go HighLead has changed our approach to customer relations management with their automated system to seamlessly engage with clients. With their expertly managed Google Ads campaigns, they have boosted our online presence, increased potential leads and overall business growth. Chris and the team have done an outstanding job!"

Hosea Edwards
Premier SMP

"I came across Go HighLead and looked into it because I needed to grow and just wasn't getting what I needed with another agency. In just 2 months I have had way more Google leads and booked consultations than I had in 6 months. Go HighLead has been great and Chris has been awesome to work with!"


Special Limited-Time Offer

Free Video Content for Your Website, Landing Pages, and Social Media!

Elevate your SMP services by leveraging the power of a premium sales video. This is a great opportunity to showcase the benefits of your SMP services and attract a wider audience, helping to increase your customer base and grow your business.

When you sign up with HighLead, you'll get your high-quality sales video absolutely FREE!

Join HighLead Now!

HighLead is the all-in-one automation platform built specifically for SMP artists.

340 9th St North, Suite 83
Naples, FL 34102

© HighLead. All rights reserved.

© HighLead. All rights reserved.


Already have an account?


Want to grow your business?

340 9th St North, Suite 83, Naples, FL 34102

HighLead is the all-in-one automation platform built specifically for SMP artists.